About Me

Hello reader, I'm Garv Kaushik, an Indian undergrad student at IIT (BHU) Varanasi, pursuing my Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Mathematics and Computing. I began my journey with a deep interest in mathematics as a fundamental tool for logic and pattern recognition. Still, as I delved into my studies, I became fascinated by the practical applications of math in Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Since then, I have tried my best to delve deep into machine learning while maintaining my academic origins in math intact.

Hopefully, you have landed on the webpage to learn more about my work. Hence, I will stick to the non-technical aspects of my work rather than my personal views/opinions in general.

Q. My past (or ongoing) experiences:

Considering past experiences as projects/interns/collaborations/publications, I have experience in Learning in INRs (3D-CV), Pose Estimation through Images (CV), playing around with T2V models (Multimodal Learning), Question Answering on Vids/Images (Multimodal Learning), Learning in Graphs through GNNs and Graph Transformers (Geometric Deep Learning), Neural ODEs for weather Forecasting (Forecasting problems).

Q. Broad Topics I am very recently working on:

INRs, Graph Transformers, 3D Edge Reconstruction

Q. What are some topics I am fascinated to explore which are close to my experiences:

3D Human Motion Generation (Virtual Humans), Neural Graphics and Rendering (aimed at solving lighting problems in traditional computer graphics), Meta-Learning for Large Multimodal Systems.

Q. Topics I am fascinated about with no connections from my past experiences:

Neuro-inspired AI, Using Deep Learning to unfold the workings of the Brain etc.

Garv Kaushik


(India) 84XXXXXX21

